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Yearly Archives: 1996

By PORAC | December 1, 1996 | Posted in PORAC LDF News

Contra Costa Deputy Sheriff Gets Job Back

After two long years, former Contra Costa Deputy Sheriff Michael Cauraugh has recently won his job back at arbitration before John L. Saltonstall, Jr. Sheriff Warren Rupf terminated Deputy Cauraugh on August 23, 1994, for allegedly pointing his service weapon at a co-worker while both were awaiting the commencement of […]

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By PORAC | November 1, 1996 | Posted in PORAC LDF News

Oceanside Officer Wins Reinstatement to Force

Arbitrator Joe Gentile recently reinstated six-year veteran Oceanside Officer Doug Baxter. Baxter was investigated in September and October 1994 when an audit conducted by department supervisors revealed that a number of officers assigned to patrol were using the mobile digital transmitters (“MDT”) in their police cars for personal communications. At […]

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By PORAC | October 1, 1996 | Posted in PORAC LDF News

Ventura Corrections Services Officer Returned To Work with Full Back Pay

On September 5, 1995, Ventura County Corrections Services Officer (CSO) Patricia Sharpe was terminated from her employment with the Ventura County Corrections Services Agency for alleged violations of several agency policies and procedures. The termination notice accused her of everything from failure to activate an alarm system to physical abuse […]

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