Amendment No. Two to the Plan Document of the Porac Legal Defense Fund
(As amended through April 19, 2013)
Pursuant to Article VII of the Plan Document and to Article VI, Section 3 of the Trust Agreement, the Board of Trustees of the PORAC Legal Defense Fund hereby amends the Plan Document as follows:
- Subsection (ii) of Section 18 of Article I (Definitions) is amended to read as follows: “any reserve peace officer, “960” officer, or part-time officer, provided the officer in any of these categories has completed basic peace officer training, and”.
- The heading of Section 4 of Article III (Benefits) is amended to read as follows: “Benefit Plan IV—Reserve/960/Part-Time Officers – Civil, Criminal, and Limited Administrative Coverage”.
- The introductory sentence of Section 4 of Article III (Benefits) is amended to read as follows: “A Participant who is a reserve officer or a “960” officer or a part-time officer and whose Member Association has chosen Benefit Plan IV shall be entitled to the following services:”.
- The following is added as subsection (b) to Section 4 of Article III (Benefits) and current subsection (b) is relettered as subsection (c):
(b) Legal representation in any departmental administrative investigation arising from any act or omission of the Participant within the scope of his or her employment as a reserve peace officer or ”960” officer or part-time officer, including investigations relating to the Participant’s involvement in Concerted Labor Activity, subject to all of the conditions set forth in Section 9 of this Article, with the coverage terminating upon the conclusion of the investigation and not continuing past receipt by the Participant of a written notice of adverse action or similar notice, whether oral or written. - Section 5 of Article III (Benefits) is deleted.
- Sections 6—13 of Article III (Benefits) are renumbered as sections 5—12, and conforming changes are made throughout the Plan Document to reflect the numbering change.
- The effective date of this amendment is April 28, 2014.
This amendment was adopted by the Board of Trustees at a special meeting held on April 28, 2014.