Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead
LDF Chairman
If you are a regular reader of this section of the magazine, you were probably expecting to see the familiar face of Region II Trustee Andy Schlenker, who we have all come to recognize over the years. Following a great deal of consideration and personal reflection, former Chairman Schlenker has decided to resign his position as trustee and chairman, effective April 9, 2013. Former Chairman Schlenker unselfishly served the members of LDF for 16 years, with distinction, devotion, and leadership.
Recognizing the need for stable leadership and continuity of service, the trustees began the thoughtful transition of leadership within the Trust earlier this year by creating the new position of vice-chairman. I was honored to be elected to that position.
Immediately after receiving notification from Lieutenant Schlenker of his resignation, the trustees met and I was elected to the position of chairman by unanimous vote. I anticipate that the vice-chairman position will be filled by the time you read this column. I also look forward to the upcoming election to fill the Region II trustee vacancy.
For most of my law enforcement career thus far, I have read the informative articles and letters from Chairman Schlenker in the PORAC News. He will be greatly missed. On behalf of the Trustees, staff and, most importantly, the nearly 100,000 PORAC Legal Defense Fund members, I would like to thank Chairman Andy Schlenker for his tireless work and dedication to our members and all those who work in law enforcement.
In closing, I want to leave you with the knowledge that the PORAC Legal Defense Fund is strong. In fact, it is stronger than at any other point in its 39-year existence. We have more funds in the bank for member benefits and more members enrolled than ever! Stay involved and stay safe as I look forward to continuing on with Andy’s legacy. If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.